Is your oral health care where it needs to be with the closing of the year? Are you prepared to enter a new year with the best chance of oral health care success? If you have not already done so, it is important to establish an oral health care checklist that includes proper cleaning, proper smile maintenance, a healthy diet, routine visits to your dentist, and a hazard prevention plan.
If you want your oral health care to stand out, you need to make sure you are operating effectively in all aspects of your life in regard to your oral health. This means eating right, cleaning your mouth daily, visiting your dentist, and avoiding unhealthy and unpleasant habits. Even a single misstep is enough to cause an oral accident or injury, which can seriously derail your smile.
Always make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to help rinse away any food debris that may linger in your mouth. As an alternative, mouthwash can be used. For cleaning tips and procedures, feel free to visit your dentist for routine checkups and professional cleanings. In the meantime, focus on a healthy diet and avoid habits that can severely hinder your oral health.
If you would like to have a comprehensive exam for your smile from our team at Melissa Maus & Associates, simply schedule an appointment with Dr. Melissa Maus and the rest of our team by calling 415-781-0819. Our dentist office is conveniently located in San Francisco, California.