Are your taking care of your smile? Have you set any goals for the new year in terms of your oral health care treatment? The more that you do to keep your smile happy and healthy, the longer your teeth and gums can serve you effectively.
Oftentimes, we do not employ flossing treatments enough or with the proper effectiveness. Floss daily for a happy smile. Listed below are some of the things you can do:
– Always use an approved interdental cleaner such as dental floss or an approved tool recommended by your dentist.
– Remember to floss between each tooth including flossing behind the backs of your last teeth in each row.
– Always practice safe and effective flossing habits to prevent damage to your gums and teeth.
– Look for products that have the American Dental Association ADA Seal of Acceptance.
– Never use the same strand of floss more than once.
– Use a floss that does not easily fray or tear during use.
– Be sure to visit our dentists at Melissa Maus & Associates in San Francisco, California, at least twice a year for oral exams and professional cleanings.
It’s important to maintain safe and effective flossing habits. If you would like to schedule an oral exam or professional cleaning with Dr. Melissa Maus, please contact our office at 415-781-0819 to speak with a member of our outstanding team. Your perfect smile awaits!